المَقصَد العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة

Many home buyers would rather leave a developer’s office with a key instead of a brochure and floor plans; this is how the concept behind AlMaqsad New Capital was born. It is the first residential compound to offer fully finished new homes to be delivered within 6 to 12 months.
The name of this exciting development is inspired by the Arabic multifaceted word المَقصَد which means the intention, final destination or the root of a true meaning.

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AlMaqsad offers homeowners the opportunity to start writing their own stories, decorating and envisioning their furniture rather than looking at 2D floorplans only to imagine them in 3rd dimension. Simply put, the nature of the constructional plan for this district resonates with a clear intention to put AlMaqsad homeowners at the forefront allowing them to experience real estate differently. To experience the novelty of getting the guaranteed home they wanted instead of a 4-year plan. AlMaqsad is the birth child of this intention; a rebellious act of finishing construction while everything else is still in the works.
No reading between the lines; this is the true meaning of a REAL real estate experience.

AlMaqsad is an eclectically-inspired district made up of Mediterranean and Modern standalone villas, twin villas and town houses which will be the first fully finished homes to be occupied in the New Capital.

AlMaqsad New Capital prides itself with an extremely convenient location, unique styles of architecture, exterior/interior finishing and most importantly a promise delivered. Home users don’t need to visualize their homes; they can start thinking about how they can furniture their new home. No risks involved. With a philosophy of novelty, modernism and comfort, AlMaqsad is the first home for those who wish to be amongst the first to live in Egypt’s New Capital.

Sprawling over 211 Feddans, AlMaqsad occupies a prime location in R3 of the New Capital due to its close proximity to the New Capital’s Cultural City, Smart City, Sport City as well as the Canadian and European universities. It is also a short drive away from the Central Business District. AlMaqsad is divided into two districts; Mediterranean and Modern.

Al Maqsad Master Plan Amenities:
Public landscape & greenery between units.
Bike lane.
Commercial services centres.
Community centres.
Unit amenities:
Fibre to home
Triple play outlet system.

AlMaqsad finishing specifications paves the way for your home’s personality to shine. Your home is styled with bright porcelain reception flooring, rich HDF wood in all rooms complemented with a clean coat of acrylic paint on walls. Neat ceramic tiles structure the kitchen and bathrooms while it gives a distinct look to your home.